
Train of Thought[z]

For some reason today the memory of the man behind the desk for visitors at a hospital in Brooklyn keeps popping in my head.
I had been on my way upstairs with my dad to see my uncle in the intensive care unit when all of a sudden I found my dad having to defend his decision to "let me upstairs with him" to visit. I immediately interjected with, "I'm old enough so let's leave it at that." The MBTD then decided to ask, "Well, how old are you anyway?" I replied, "Old enough to have attended and graduated college..." (I interject here to say, I don't understand why people are always trying to play me for stupid just because of my stature!) So, this MBTD then exclaims with amazement and annoyed admiration, "You should be a part of my study! I'm studying the effects of aging on different ethnic groups..." He went on into some more lack-luster specifics about this, but at this point it was too late for him to beg for mercy due to his mistake in pre-judgement. I guess I responded in the way I did, which probably wasn't too polite because I'm so sick of others attempting to speak for me out of awkwardness due to an unnecessary inquisition, especially when it comes to either one of my parents.

This goes for my friends as well... I know they feel the burn of boring eyes in their backs or fronts when we're on the train together and I'm either joking or giving advice. The "audience" is so awestruck that my friends are being so attentive that they stare and stare and stare and all the while I find myself having to keep extra cool as to not lose composure. It's usually my friends that flip the script on these frenzied fellow fare-riders. One of my besties, who still attends college, shut this 20-something-year-old woman (ALWAYS!) down after she made a comment to my bestie about the conversation she was obviously eavesdropping on while riding the 6. This chick thought I was still in HS probably and projected her thesis after inquiring to them about my age after I already got off at my stop. My bestie let her know that in fact I was not of HS age and had just graduated college. To this response, Ms. 20-something said, "Oh my! I'm sure you admire her. She carries herself so well." My bestie just looked at her like she was nuts and said, "She's my good friend. I don't look at her in any particular way because she's small. I'm used to it." And that was the end of the discourse between them. It was my bestie's stop anyway. Of course, I had a chuckle when this encounter was relayed to me over the phone.

So, as you see most days for me are either one of two extremes and never in between...

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