
First Impressions

"It's going to take many wrinkles for people to see you on first glance. By the time that comes though, they'll think you simply shrank."

And I'll be considered one of those cute lil' old ladies who needs help with her groceries. But that day is not today and won't be for a while, so what do I do until then?! It's like the freedom to live the "in between life" is snatched from me; it's at the mercy of first glances/encounters. I need to find that place that tells the truth between thoughts of me as someone's daughter and visions of me in need of assistance as elderly. Even when some project vistas of this "in between life" vantage point, it almost always is in conjunction of another entity. I'm never able to stand by myself in these story lines. I'm someone's significant other (cute and cuddly), someone's mother (cute, but courageous) or someone's muse (cute and inspirational). I'm bothered by the business of me always needing to be accompanied in these alternate universes of existence instead of me mirrored as a seriously stable soloist. How am I not supposed to assume that my being is viewed as a handicap or awesome attribute, due to human inability to navigate normality... Yes, I consider myself as normal although my talents are far from that stand point. If my beacon is my body which no one can get past without resentment, how am I to truly want to share myself past the lines of my exterior?
Many say they thirst for truth, but from my perspective when it's staring them in the face a lie is the easier alternative to understand. All I want to do is live as honestly as I can.

We're all aliens in the end:
"Alien can blend right on in wit' yo' kin
look again 'cause I swear I spot one every now & then
It's happenin' again wish I could tell you when..." ~Outkast, Aquemini

1 comment:

AutismWonderland said...

Great post!! Love this line: If my beacon is my body which no one can get past without resentment, how am I to truly want to share myself past the lines of my exterior?

In the last few years, I've come to hate the words normal and typical.