
One of the Reasons...

why my old job is My Old Job!

"And is this your little helper?"
This type of innocent (ignorant) question I don't mind because once it's explained there is no more to say, therefore I am able to transcend invisibility. My actions are allowed to showcase my abilities as an employee (and adult).

"Oh my! That's a mighty large title for you..."
Is not what I wished to hear after it is explained that I was the holder of an established and esteemed title when it came to where I worked. This type of comment I found to be like an unrehearsed stroke of the bow onto string.
The hand (brain) can't seem to control the fingers (lips) to hold tight enough so instead of a melody, I get to hear the screeching of this instrument. My imaginary reaction would be to get into rock star mode and shatter said wood sound-box against the stage wall and floor. Instead most times I simply choose to leave the concert early with my sense of self intact. At least I know how to pluck my own strings properly. And yes, I'm a guitar -- more times than not, I am pissed [off] while standing!

Note: If you ever encounter me in a work setting, it doesn't matter if it's one of white-collar or blue... SHUT THE F^CK UP!!! Stare if you must, but DO NOT say anything. Looks can be let go, but language always always builds even in demolition mode.

1 comment:

AutismWonderland said...

Ugh...people can say such thoughtless things. "little helper"

I love this line: "The hand (brain) can't seem to control the fingers (lips) to hold tight enough so instead of a melody, I get to hear the screeching of this instrument."