
November is Near...

and I am hoping the practices at the polls aren't repeated as in the scenario below!

I get in line between my mother and father. As we go further in our steps towards the sign-in section, my mother asks if I'd like to go ahead of her. On first thought I want to say no, knowing that there may be a slight chance of me being mistaken for a child. At the same time, I also know my mother's capacity of correcting crude views of people who don't pay attention. She gets her protection prance on and can dig her heels deeply into the gut of the ignorance encountered. I say to myself, "Self, just let her go vote first. This way if anything goes awry in this guy's eye I'll be the corrective lens instead of ma winding her way into a tirade due to temperament." I stay in front my father while waiting.
And of course, the poll attendance taker smiles at me politely and promptly asks for my father's id so he can put him as present on the roll. My father, playing it cool doesn't even inch his fingernails into his pocket as I tap on the table with a 'Hey-I'm-Right-Here' rhythm. This attendance taker looks confused, but is quickly put to ease and pleased in the protruding of his pearly whites as he lingeringly looks at my Non-Driver's id card. I smile back and sign the book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dry, wry tone strikes the perfect chord for the description of this event! I love the way in which you end it, showing...showing the ridiculousness of the attendee having overlooked you. You have a great knack for setting and characterisation...I can see the scene and read everyone's thoughts though they're never spelt out.